Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!
Unknowingly as Christians, we can despise the Word when we become too familiar with it. Familiarity means becoming accustomed to something to the point where you no longer perceive its importance or characteristics. It essentially means getting used to something and not valuing it until you ignore it. This is where we begin things like: calling evil good and good evil.
BE CAREFUL! We can become too familiar with the Word of God when we lose reverence and awe towards it.
BE CAREFUL! We can become too familiar with the Word of God when the sin condemned by the Bible no longer causes us pain because our hearts have become hardened.
BE CAREFUL! Familiarity breeds unbelief. When Jesus returned to Nazareth, his hometown, he was not able to perform many miracles there due to the unbelief of his fellow townspeople. They didn’t believe in him because they knew him, because they saw him grow up, because they knew his parents and siblings, and because they were with him all the time: “Isn’t this the son of so-and-so, brother of…” (Matthew 13:53-58).
BE CAREFUL! Familiarity leads to a loss of expectation and immediately causes us to lose the capacity to be amazed that we hold in our hands the ability to know our God through His Word.
I believe that most Christians have no trouble believing that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The issue lies in how much of what we believe transforms our lifestyle—in other words, how much of God’s Word is in us.
Lord, we ask for forgiveness for having neglected your Word and for becoming accustomed to the fact that you speak to us through it every day.
Awaken in us the desire to spend time with it and to put it into practice every day of our lives. In Jesus name, Amen.