Day 32: It Shall Be Well

Week Five: Our God is Mighty and Terrible

Written by J.E. Cope
Day 32: It Shall Be Well

October 15, 2024

Psalm 128:1-2

"Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD ; That walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: Happy shalt thou be , and it shall be well with thee."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



On Day 32, we find our focus in one of the fifteen Psalms of Ascent. These psalms focus on getting back home and dwelling with God. Today’s verses remind us of the blessing one would receive if you fear the Lord and walk in His ways.  


In Psalms 120 to134, the phrase “ma’alot” meaning “going up” is in each of them.  Each of these psalms are called “a song of ascent.” Some scholars believe they represent the fifteen steps leading up to the temple of Jerusalem. Other scholars believe the ascent refers to the Israelite’s pilgrimages during the three annual feasts to Jerusalem. These are both holy acts, and one could say, similar to the construction of “The Wall” we see Nehemiah working towards rebuilding.

Anything done in reverent obedience to Jehovah God is Holy. All three of these acts are symbolic as to how we as a nation and as God’s People should return to living as He has commanded us to live.

“The Fear of the Lord” is mentioned 130 times in God’s Word. This is an awe inspired, reverent, Holy Fear that is done out of a deep seated, reverent love for The Great ‘I Am”! The Psalm tells us that we shall be happy and that it will be well with us as we  walk in His ways and obediently participate in our labor of love—as we “Build Our Wall” through our “52 Days of Prayer”—“Our TURNAROUND!”

Turnaround Questions

If Jesus continuously got alone with The Father to pray and commune with Him, why shouldn’t we? Why shouldn’t we invite others to join us in prayer as Jesus invited His Disciples to join Him multiple times in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and even more! He is our Perfect Example!! If we will study His life, emulate His example, and disciple others, we will experience a “Turnaround” in our nation of which we have never seen before!


Father God, please hear our prayers. We come to You in our weakness that You may pour out Your Divine Holy Power upon us. We so desperately need You and petition You to graciously extend Your Grace and Mercy to us in our time of need.

As You well know, our nation has turned its back to You. We have abandoned the Godly statutes and principles upon which this great nation was founded.

Lord, we, as Your Remnant, fall on our knees and beg you to deliver us from the evil that is consuming us.

Please honor and bless our prayers to You on behalf of our nation, that it may be once again “One Nation Under God.”

We pray this prayer in the Holy and Precious and Wonderful Name of Jesus. Amen

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