Day 30: Wisdom and Understanding

Week Five: Our God is Mighty and Terrible

Day 30: Wisdom and Understanding

October 13, 2024

Job 28:28

"And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



Welcome to Day 30 of our 52 days of prayer. Without warning, Job suddenly experienced complete economic ruin, the death of his ten children, and a horrendous skin disease. Throughout his ordeal, Job refused to speak against God. Instead, in an agonizing affliction, he recounted the origins of true wisdom and understanding, the fear of the Lord. He endured his suffering until the end of his story when God eventually showed up and redeemed him.


As his story unfolds, we are given insights into the spiritual realm that Job wasn’t aware of at the time. “Why do the righteous suffer?” Satan, the antagonist, twists this age-old question into an accusation. Even as Satan alluded, “Job was, after all, a righteous man, but only remained loyal as long as he received blessings.”

Under extreme duress, Job’s faith endured, not because of his righteousness but because of his reverence for God. His fear of the LORD kept his tongue from speaking evil, which was ultimately tested when his wife advised him to “Curse God and die.”

“Come, oh children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. What man is there who desires life and loves many days so that he may see good? Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking falsehood. Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and His ears hear their cry.” Psalms 34:11-15

Turnaround Question

Have you ever been seeking God; and living righteously, and then BAM, something horrible happens? What is the first thing questioned? Is it your integrity? From Job’s story, we know that Satan’s best tactic is to keep you from God by diverting your attention to yourself: “What have I done wrong? I must not be doing something right. I’m trying my best. Why is this happening to me?” What if instead of looking at what you’re doing or not doing, you redirect your gaze back at God, keep your mouth from agreeing with falsehood, and decide to trust Him with the understanding that only the fear of God is where true wisdom and understanding come from?


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are perfect and that there is no darkness in you at all. I ask that you open the eyes of our understanding to heavenly things so that we are no longer moved by our trials. Reveal to us any falsehoods or lies in our lives so that we will stop believing them and speak against them with the truth of your word. No matter our circumstances, we choose to glorify you, thanking you that you work all things together for the good because we love you and we know we’re called according to your purpose. Give us a single mind so that we may remain hopeful of your promises until they come to pass. We thank you for hearing us because we know if we ask anything according to your will, you hear us, and if you hear us, we know we have the petitions we’ve desired of you.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

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