Day 23: Such a Time as This

Week Four: Do Not Be Afraid of Them

Day 23: Such a Time as This

October 6, 2024

Esther 4:14

"For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayers!



Welcome to Day 23. Today, let us be reminded that we cannot remain silent. Our prayers and our actions are needed. Who knows maybe the position you are in your life right here, right now, is for such a time as this! 


We normally believe serendipity and coincidence to only exist in the movies. We usually do not recognize it in our own lives. But God’s word is full of history where we read about His planned rescue missions. And instead of using a supernatural method to face these threats, God chose to use ordinary men and women to deliver His people from peril. I think of Joseph, Moses, and of course – Esther. 

In this scripture, Mordecai implores Esther to use her power as Queen. Was it chance that she, a Jewish orphan, became royalty of the Persian empire? Or had God simply made it part of His plan to save His people at that moment?

 “…Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Surely Esther, after hearing her uncle pose this question to her, had to stop and reflect on all that had to happen for her to be ruling as Queen, including her arrival to the palace and being favored by Hegai, the custodian of the women, giving her the edge and advantage to be chosen out of hundreds of young women. Many beautiful and capable young women were sent ahead of Esther and yet, Esther was the one to win the King’s heart.

While Esther might have seen all these “occurrences” as just good fortune, Mordecai, I believe, knew it to clearly be divine providence. Our successes are never accidental when it comes to the kingdom of God. 

Turnaround Question

While Esther had little faith at first, Mordecai focused on hope. Where do you put your focus in troubling times? Do you choose Mordecai’s faith or Esther’s fear?

And because we, as humans, may not always recognize God’s hand moving and aligning in our lives, I encourage you to stop and think on where you have found favor within your spheres of influence. Maybe with your child’s teacher? With a boss? With your employees? Do not gloss over these occurrences as just a coincidence. Use their approving opinion of you to share Christ with them! 


Dear Heavenly Father –

How awesome it is to know You have all things in Your hands, already working it out for us. And to know You have done so since the beginning of creation! May we take that knowledge today and use it to have boldness against those seeking to harm us and our way of life. May we stand courageously always for your Namesake, Lord. I pray we always choose hope over fear, Lord, and that we recognize Your hand in our lives. And we ask for your blessings so that we may bless others, just as you called Abraham in Genesis 12. God you are good and you never change. Thank you. And forgive us where we fail You. It is in your Name we pray, Amen.

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