Day 16: Train the Children

Week Three: From Generation to Generation

Day 16: Train the Children

September 29, 2024

Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



Welcome to day 16 of our 52 days of prayer. Today we look at the Scripture found in  Proverbs 22:6 and focus on the idea of training up the next generation of believers.  


For generations we have heard this verse preached and shared from one generation to  the next. However, at some point we began to hear it preached as a proverb and not a promise. We began to take all of the burden off of parents and the church. We began to think about this verse in a very lighthearted way. While this may be true, that we can do everything right and a child may still wander away from God. I believe this proverb is so much more than a principle. I believe it is a challenge to make every moment that we have with a child matter for the Kingdom of God.  

The idea of training can not be done half heartedly. It must be done with fervency and  dedication. As parents we must take every moment that we have with our children and  make them matter in the development of their worldview. We must make every effort  that we can to see that our beliefs line up with scripture, and everything that we teach  points them to a Savior and a biblical worldview.  

We must train our children in all aspects. We must protect and guard their minds. We must protect and guard what they see and hear. We must protect and guard their hearts. Finally, we must teach that when culture contradicts the truth of scripture we must point them in the direction of truth. God’s word has to be the tool that we use to train up a child and a biblical worldview has to be what we are training toward. 

Turnaround Question 

What are you doing to make sure that the worldview of your child and those children that you have influence over are being trained up in a way that would honor God? Are there parts of your life that are not pointing them towards God? What can you change to be  intentional and strategic in these areas? 


Lord God, we see a generation that has so much potential for you. We also see how  every part of the world around them is striving to push them away from you. We know  that the only hope that they will ever have is through the truth of your word. I pray that  every child would have the opportunity to hear the truth. I pray that every child would  have the opportunity to know the truth. I pray that every child would have the  opportunity to begin to live the truth, and I pray that every child would be challenged to  share the truth. Lord God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, reveal yourself to parents and  other believers that they would see the importance of training every child in biblical  truth so that our country would turn back to you one child at a time. Amen

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