Day 27: The Sprit of Adoption

Week Four: Do Not Be Afraid of Them

Written by Carolyn McLarty
Day 27: The Sprit of Adoption

October 10, 2024

Romans 8:15

"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



Welcome to Day 27 of our 52 days of prayer. Nehemiah’s rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem is becoming a reality. 

The work has begun, but not without objections, torments, and attacks from surrounding peoples. Fear has become a major obstacle to overcome by the workers. 


When we choose to be led by the Holy Spirit, we become children of God. When we become adopted by God, we no longer have to fear. Ungodly fear is a tormenting spirit that works to destroy faith. Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Ungodly fear is not pleasing to God. 

Satan uses fear as a powerful tool to weaken, debilitate, and paralyze God’s people. It is bondage!  

When we refer to fear we are not speaking of Godly fear, or the awe of God, that revolves around worshiping and moving toward a more intimate relationship with Him. We must distinguish between healthy fear and ungodly fear. God’s people are encouraged to “fear not” many times. I’ve read that the Bible tells us “not to fear” 365 times, which equates to once a day for a year.   

Trusting God is the basis for fearlessness and, by design, faithfulness. In the natural world, having a loving father to trust and obey gives a child security, and is a shadow of God. 

Adoption is the unselfish act of receiving a child into your family who was not naturally born into your family. Legal adoption is a heavy layer of protection for a child who  otherwise would be left to the mercy of the government or well-meaning, but not totally committed, persons. 

Being adopted by The Spirit of Adoption is the ultimate adoption! By our confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we are adopted into the family of God.

The term “Abba” means Father in Hebrew. It is more like our English term of endearment, “Daddy,” that a young child lovingly calls their father when they have faith and trust in him. As believers we can call out to our Abba. 

Turnaround Questions

Fear, being a weapon of the enemy, is constantly in use today—in the natural and in the spiritual. We need to defend against it by increasing our faith. How can you learn to recognize ungodly fear quickly? How can you build up your faith? How can you build up faith in others?


Heavenly Father, You have not given us a spirit of fear. Thank you that Jesus has overcome this enemy named  fear. Jesus won this battle for us by the sacrifice of His  life, and His decisive defeat of Satan.  

Thank You Father for adopting us, by faith, into Your family! 

Holy Spirit, teach us to increase our faith by standing on the Word of God and believing that all that the Bible says is true. Help us understand how to be faithful in everything we do for You, Lord.  

Empower us to be steadfast to fulfill our assignments from You Lord. Help us to rest in the amazing fact that we are loved and legally adopted children of the Most High God. 

We praise You and thank You in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen. 

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