Day 21: The Peace of Thy Children

Week Three: From Generation to Generation

Day 21: The Peace of Thy Children

October 4, 2024

Isaiah 54:11-13

"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD ; and great shall be the peace of thy children."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayers!



Here we see our faithful God having compassion on his children and making promises that he will discipline our children and they will be safe and happy. Let’s get into Day 21!


Isaiah 54 is a powerful passage that emphasizes the restoration of Israel and the reinforcement of God’s promise to them. And what is the sign of that promise?  Children! Children have always represented the fulfillment of God’s promise as they embody hope and a future.

Isaiah was prophesying about Israel’s future after her captivity to Babylon. She would once again thrive and grow, as a formerly barren woman who now begins to have many children. This was the promise to Abraham and it has always been the promise to his people. 

Of course there is another visual given to represent restoration: a wall. The wall is the security and defense of a city. If the walls fall, the city is sure to follow. When the walls are strong, the city remains protected.  

In verses 11-13 we see both walls and children as God details his way of restoring. He doesn’t just build a secure wall. He builds with turquoise, sapphire, rubies, sparkling jewels, and precious stones! He not only protects, he adorns! The restoration and salvation of God is absolutely complete with nothing more to be added to improve it. Does this not speak of our salvation in Christ? We had broken, ugly lives, but the Lord rebuilt us in Christ. He took our sin and gave us his glory and righteousness. 

THEN, he says that our children will be taught by the Lord, Himself! What a blessing! God says that he, himself, will come to them and teach them. Now, of course the children here include all that are heirs of the promise of Abraham (which includes all who put their trust in Jesus by the same faith as Abraham). 

The children will receive absolutely everything they need because the Lord will make sure of it. He does not stop short or grow tired. He will forever be there pouring into them wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who was poured out as our helper and teacher!

“And great will be their peace.” A city with a wall built by the master builder is at peace. A child taught by the Lord is at peace. Is it not obvious that God’s plan for us is absolute peace? He will protect us. He will cover us in glory. He will teach us. 

Turnaround Question

Are we trusting Jesus to let him rebuild the walls of our life? How about our nation? And how about our children? Are we letting the Lord teach them (and us!) through His word and His Spirit?


Father, thank you for your promise of restoration. Thank you for doing what we could never do. Thank you for loving us so well, for taking care of our children. I hunger for your Word and I tune my ears to you to learn from you. Lord, I will lead people to you and I will trust you to teach them through me so that their peace may be great. In Jesus name, Amen. 

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