Day 15: Seek the Welfare

Week Three: From Generation to Generation

Day 15: Seek the Welfare

September 28, 2024

Nehemiah 2:10

" When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



Welcome to day 15 of our 52 days of prayer! We are on a journey with Nehemiah who went from being the king’s cup barrier to a construction crew chief with a burning passion to change the trajectory of his countrymen. Equipped with divine favor, the king’s blessing, and resources to restore the safety and well-being of the children of Israel, Nehemiah traveled to Jerusalem.


Nehemiah was moved with compassion. He wasn’t okay with his people facing oppression and standing defenseless before their enemies.  He rose to the challenge and stepped into the gap and said, Enough is enough, I’m going to do something about this!

Through the Lord’s strength, favor, wisdom, and protection Nehemiah was given a vision and took the initiative to step out with relentless courage on behalf of his countrymen. Under his leadership, those once neglected, rejected, and taken advantage of now banded together and did the impossible. In 52 days they took the ruins of their city and transformed it into a haven of rest and safety.

In contrast, why were Sanballat and Tobiah deeply disturbed that someone was seeking the well-being of the children of Israel? The people were oppressed and defenseless, why would these men be upset that someone had come to town to help? They were upset because they were benefiting from the Israelites being taken advantage of. They were interested in only what gave them power and wealth. Even if it came at the expense of the lives of those who were exploited around them. 

Had Nehemiah been indifferent and stayed in his lane of expertise, countless lives would have toiled on for generations under the cruel exploitations of people like Sanballat and Tobiah.

 Turnaround Questions

Look at your city, town, or community. Are there places that people are being exploited and are being taken advantage of?  Are you willing to take action? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and by faith begin seeking the well-being of those the Lord shows you?



Heavenly Father, You are the God who sees. You are the God who cares. You see the children in our community who are being taken advantage of. You see the little ones who are being told lies, who are being verbally and physically abused, who are being rejected and unloved. You see the ones who are being exploited and taken advantage of. You see the broken hearts and the ones who are all alone. You see the ones who are enslaved physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Father, please stir my heart. Please cause me to care about the things that break your heart. You, Father, are the answer to the brokenness of our world. We need to know your great love. We need the forgiveness and freedom found in Jesus. Stir my heart, bring conviction over my sins of indifference and selfishness, and use my life to bring hope and light to those who are so desperately in need of knowing You.

It is in the powerful name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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