Day 12: God’s Strength Through Weakness

Week Two: God Uses the Simple

Written by Chris Ziegert
Day 12: God’s Strength Through Weakness

September 25, 2024

Corinthians 12:9-10

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. '

Welcome to the Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



We all have been born for this timeline of His-story! What happens now takes initiative and determination of unwavering resolve. Sometimes, things do not go as planned. Whatever the circumstance may be, has the strength to be positive or live abundantly diminished or settled into overall weakness?


Glory-filled revelations and visions of heavenly wonders filled the Apostle Paul’s recollection. He had these experiences fourteen years prior. Whether in or outside of the body, whatever the case, Paul was greatly impacted by these spiritual realities.

In response to his exalted state, a diabolical affliction set into Paul.  Repeated pleas for relief were sought, yet the Lord Jesus Christ responded by proclaiming, “My grace is sufficient, My strength is made perfect in weakness.”  What? How can I be weak and strong simultaneously?  Sounds seemingly counterintuitive.

Sheer exhaustion, mental capacities strained, or no energy to continue – please remember, the Lord promised His yoke is easy and burden is light. Difficulties are real, yet the key reality is we are to be yoked together with the One who bore our sin-filled shame in His own body, marred beyond any man.

As we humble ourselves with a prostrated heart or with knees on the ground, the Eternal One has promised He will strengthen us who do not rely or go on in our own limited abilities. Why? Because He is limit-less!

I was driving with an elderly missionary leader in an extended Chevy Cargo van through the mountains of Baja California, Mexico between Mexicali and Tijuana. We were beyond weakened, exhausted, yet very satisfied in doing what the Lord sent us there for. As we barreled down an unrailed highway, suddenly the front driver side tire literally blew up! Immediately “Jesus” was shouted in uncontrolled octaves from my lungs. Thankfully no one was right behind us, as the van limped on the blown tire to a braking halt.

Some may say, Miraculous! True.  Yet, most importantly we were unprepared or had no individual strength or ability to handle our potentially devastating situation. The Lord brought us through that event and will bring us through every afflictive trial and trouble. He is with us, Beloved ones! His Divine presence strengthens us to do all His will and purposes!

Turnaround Question

Our Lord increases strength to those who have no might, yet are we faint or giving into the status quo of untimely lethargy? Isn’t it past the time to be strengthened by the Spirit, as active sons or daughters of our Heavenly Father, fulfilling His will and purposes?


With yielded hearts and willing minds we come humbly and boldly before you Lord God Almighty. We absolutely cannot do what you have called us unto without Your empowering grace and mercy. Please Lord, strengthen and equip us! May we be faithful covenant partners of Your kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

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