Day 5: God’s Vision to Abraham

Week One: Look, Mourn, Confess

Day 5: God’s Vision to Abraham

September 18, 2024

Genesis 17:7

"And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



Welcome to Day 5 of The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer.  When we take the time to Look, Mourn, and Confess to the Lord as we are doing this week,  He can move and inspire us into action many times by giving us a vision.  Let’s look at father Abraham.  


Imagine we are living in the times of father Abraham. As we look around we see a land consumed with idolatry: idol worship and selfish consumption of life.  Lives lived in seeking their own desires and no true compassion for others and the sanctity of life; a land where cultic sacrifice is celebrated.  Cultic sacrifice?  Yes, taking the life of another.  God is the giver of life.  Can you imagine father Abraham’s thoughts: “How can I raise a family in this land?”  His heart longed to love and serve the Lord but the wickedness around him left him seeking God’s presence and longing for a different land.  

We can see that when we align our heart with God’s heart, he will give us a generational vision!  This deep longing for a righteous land is not just for you and your immediate children.  And not just for your children and their children.  It is bigger.  It is as big as the expanses of the universe. This vision that is rooted in our hearts, inspires us to leave the comfort of what we know, go all in and build a land to be on earth as it is in heaven; to see the Torch of Faith passed from generation to generation!

It is up to us, His People, to intentionally ALIGN our heart with His; to let our heart to break at what breaks His and to desire what He desires.  

Our Father is ever looking and searching afresh each day to see who will trust him.  Who will seek Him?  And who will fear and revere Him?  Who will walk with him in the garden of our mind?

Remember America’s pilgrims had that same Abrahamic vision … to see the Torch of Faith passed from generation to generation.  America’s Forebearers fought and sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their honor, their all to see a land on earth as it is in heaven to be passed on for posterity.  Any people of any nation can go all in as Nehemiah did, and as America’s forefathers.  And now today!

With the birth of every new generation, the people must collectively decide who they are.   Will the torch of faith be passed, embraced and treasured?  Or will the light grow dim and passing the torch be seen as a burden?  


Turnaround Question

Every generation must answer this question: Will we be a people that humbles ourselves, prays, seeks God’s face and Turns to Him?  Will we seek our own desires and worship ourselves or idols?  Is our land a home of people who lay down their lives for one another ?  This question our generation must ask ourselves today.  Are you ready to be a “Nehemiah”?  God is searching to see who will trust him.  Let’s build in front of our house and pass the torch of faith from generation to generation. 


Father God, thank you For the incredible vision to pass the torch of faith from generation to generation that you gave to father Abraham. I thank you for Abraham’s courage to leave all that he knew and go to a land he had never been out of blind faith and trust in you Father God!  I pray that you would help me to have the same vision and the same desire to see Faith in You passed from generation to generation! And I pray that as I turn my heart to have a generational vision that you will give me the courage I need to boldly step out and faith to do whatever is needed so that my children and my children’s children and their children’s children will pass the torch of faith from generation to generation.  In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, amen!

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