Day 3: God’s Promise of Restoration

Week One: Look, Mourn, Confess

Day 3: God’s Promise of Restoration

September 16, 2024

2 Chronicles 7:14

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



Welcome to day three of our 52 days of Prayer: As we, some of the remnants of our country, take up our position to rebuild the section of wall right in front of us, we need to understand what is required to receive God’s blessings for our country, our families, and our lives.

Devotional Insight

When we read this verse we must keep something in mind; that God’s love for us is unconditional, He is our father and loves us right where we are, no matter where we are or what mess we find ourselves in. Many times we might wonder if God loves us like this, why is our world so messed up?  As a father of two great kids I can tell you there is nothing that will prevent me from loving my children, but there are plenty of times I will chose to not bless them, not because I don’t desire to bless them, but because they have created barriers to receive the blessing.  As we pray in this season and see the mess we are in as a country we must look at the first word of this verse, “If”.  God wants to bless us but he tells us there are some things we must do to receive His blessings. God is speaking to Solomon in this verse and it starts with the word “If”, God is telling us IF we will HUMBLE ourselves, IF we will PRAY, IF we will SEEK HIM,  IF we will TURN from our wicked ways,  he says THEN!  I can tell you as a parent I have laid out to my children the IF-THEN many times, God is simply telling us what we must do to receive His blessings, what we must do to rebuild our borders, what we must do to restore our country. What is amazing is when we continue to verse 15,  God tells us He is waiting on us and He wants to bless His children.

Turnaround Question

What will it take for us to humble ourselves and seek God first, to turn from our wicked ways and pray.  Will it need to get worse? Or can we do this right now and share the hope we have in Christ?


Father God, please help us to Humble ourselves individually and as the remnant to say we can’t rebuild our country on our own that we must Seek you first, we need you! We seek your favor and your will for our country.

Keep us Praying continually, Let us Acknowledge that you have the power to provide what you want when you want and we trust you Lord, and we want you to lead us and guide our steps. Please strip everything from our lives that prevents us from putting you first and communing with you. You Lord are everything we need!!

We thank you for our country, we thank you for the freedoms you have blessed us with, let us not squander this blessing. We ask you to hear from heaven and to forgive our sin and heal our land. We love you and trust you, your will be done.

In Jesus name, Amen!

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